Debt Resistance UK (DRUK) is a group set up to challenge the narrative of debt as inevitable and apolitical. We acknowledge that debt affects all of us, whether it is personal debt, local government debt, or national debt. We see debt as a tool to uphold the status quo, part of a system that redistributes wealth upwards, from the masses and the public sector to the super-rich and Corporations.

Our aims are:

  • to shine a light on predatory and exploitative lending practices
  • to help people understand the mechanism of debt so they can actively protect themselves from and resist illegitimate and oppressive forms of debt
  • to research, educate and organise for a financial system not based on debt as a form of power and exploitation
  • to democratise finance and to challenge the financialisation of all aspects of our lives

This site is work in progress, developing over time thanks to the coordinated effort of members of DRUK. We are a collective of activists and researchers who do not claim to be experts on Local Authority Finance, but who are approaching the issue in the same way any citizen can. In developing our research we have used existing documents most of which we reference here, and we have reached out to our network for advice and comments.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this site, please feel free to contact us at info@debtresistance.uk, we’ll be happy to support where and when we can.

Should you find any errors or any unclear information, or should you have any further ideas, advice or resources to share, please let us know. We are eager to improve this material in a way that is accurate and useful to all.

If you would like to become involved in developing the research and campaign with DRUK in London or locally from your own town, please do get in touch, we will need many more enthusiastic participants to make an impact!